Sunday, November 6, 2011

My very first blog AND nudity

Hello and welcome to my little broke life! Since this is my first post I feel the need to tell you all about myself.

My name is Zeus and I'm a broke-ass college student. Woo! I'm a petite, 5'2 little lady and I'm a sophomore in Food Science (I hope you like recipes and trivia) and I like metal and drinking and cool things. Mostly just cool things.

I'm cool.


I'm going to start blogging about my experiences through college including how to eat cheap and healthy, silly puns, how to make cash moneys when you're broke, and complaints. Hopefully few complaints. I'll also link funny pictures when I feel like my facebook has gotten too much attention and people are starting to judge me.

Post one- Getting naked for money
Back when I was in high school I played dungeons and dragons with a (give-or-take thirty) year old asian man. I can't make this shit up, really. He was an artist and not that crappy manga-ka whatnot kids are into these days. He's a legit artist! Well, he's mangaka too. Is that a word? Google told me it was. ANYWAY. He asked me one day to pose for him so he could work on some character development and anatomy. As you'll come to find out, I'm pretty self-absorbed. Of course I wanted to be immortalized in art. He offered to pay me $12/hour which, for a senior in high school, was pretty amazing. I had two other jobs so that was just cash money that I blew at Sonic and Ulta. Since he knew me personally he didn't want to draw me naked so I bought a leotard and met with him once a week, sometimes more. I didn't know that he'd be giving me the experience I needed to pay for my groceries in college.
Freshman year I had a lot of money saved up from working three jobs in high school. This past semester I finally ran out. Notes about me: Daddy pays for my tuition (please don't hate me) and I grew up HELLA frugal. So being broke isn't a huuuuge deal. However, I do like to make purchases like blenders and bagel bites and rum.. so pocket money is nice. Oh no! I have class! I can't keep a 25 hour/week job if I had say three exams that week! Last semester I got a job at a front desk for 8 hours a week but 60 bucks is not a lot when it comes to concerts and books and food. What can I do! And like a ray of light from the heavens an answer came- why don't you just sit still and get paid? And that's exactly what I started to do. Through furious googling, craigslisting, and prowling downtown galleries and studios, I found two art studios that were willing to hire me.
The first is a local photographer named Bryan. He has a studio downtown and was willing to use me in his portfolio for 25 bucks an hour. Hello, beautiful. Don't get me wrong- I did all my background checks and drove to his studio fully-clothed with a friend before I made any agreements. Turns out he's a super sweet guy with a wife and kids and a real job. The second is a gallery mixed with studios and some classes thrown on top, They only offered to pay 15, but I've already completed one session and I've decided to go for two more.

Great for you Zeus, but there's nooo way I could get naked and sit still while people looked at me. I'm fat and self conscious.
1) You probably aren't that fat. 2) Artists really don't care if you're naked. These people have seen so many saggy old ladies and droopy scrotums that painting your tummy pudge will be like building sandcastles at the beach. 3) In art, you're reduced to form and contrast and gradient. Really. I've never had an artist tell me I had too much cellulite or my hair was out of place or I had two chins. Lines and shading baby. 4) You aren't even doing anything... really. In the class I'm modeling for I have to move to a new pose every five or ten minutes but really, it's like rolling over midnap. Just drape your arms over yourself in awkward ways and you are ART.

Next post, I'm using my nudie-money to get my septum pierced. Are you excited? I hope you're excited.

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